The world is full of explorers, and full of things to be explored: The Map of tomorrow is a plattform to collect all transforming initiatives and sustainable companies.
What is special on this map?
For each entry you can give a Positive Impact Rating and say, if a specific area is rather fit for the future or from the past. The better impact an organization has to the world, the more visibility it gets on the map.
Like on Wikpedia, everybody can edit the map, but Regional Pilots subscribe to their city and maintain the quality. They also print maps and promote them locally.
Theme Pilots subscribe to specific tags to keep the overview on a specific sector or field of transition. They promote the map on conferences.
Discover places appearing at their best from an inspiring point of view. Our map invites you to explore forward-thinking projects, companies and upcoming events in your community.
Be a part of this! Find all the information you need to get in touch with projects you want to engage with. Stop by to say Hello!
Let’s create a world for tomorrow.
Together, we want to show and embrace the positive change in our society.
We have a vision, which is shared perfectly in the film „Tomorrow„
von morgen supports creativity, sustainability and joint action. We believe in a modern society in which we all can embrace a self-determined, contend and environmental-friendly life. Our goal: a benevolent future.
Time: 19.3.2018
Depending on how we find the right funding, we want to continue our developement as followed
Facelift to make the subscribing and embedding/sharing option much easier
Improvement of the positive Impact ratings, so that there can be a real-time discussion to each entry. (discussion-feature, accounts, different user roles…)
Event-fuction to use the map as a calender
Implement Icons like on open Greenmap, translate tags and build taxonomies
Connections between dots, city and field-tours. The Map can be used as a tourguide
[nextpage title=“Positive Impact Rating“]
Our first innovation and the biggest improvement to all existing maps is, that we don’t define what is good enough to get on our map, but we collect everything and give the positive impact rating systems which helps users to define, what is really worth to show. So we can save time of endless discussions about the content and the user allways finds the most sustainable option, even if there is no perfect one.
The Positive Impact Rating System
Along this system Useres, Organizations and Regional Pilots have the option to rate whatever somebody thinks it is important.
natural: Does the way of production correspons to the diversity of life?
renewable: Are there closed ressource cycles? Do they save energy and reuse whatever possible?
fair: Das the organization implement the human rights and pays to everybody a salary for a decent living?
human: Does the organization allow and foster to reveal the full potential of everybody? Are emotions appreciated as well as knowledge and strength?
solidarian: Does the organisation try to build up longliving partnerships to support instead of putting pressure on others.
transparent: Does the organisation allow their employees to utter freely what they think and does the public has acces to all relevant information?
Unsere Positivfaktoren beschreiben sechs Dimensionen, die für eine gute Wirkung auf die Umwelt relevant sind. Zu jedem Positivfaktor können beliebig viele verschiedene Aspekte hinzugefügt, von allen Usern diskutiert und bewertet werden. Die Positivfaktoren geben einen Einblick, welche Aspekte in einer Welt von morgen wichtig sind.
How far does it belong to the future
Visionary (can only be given by regional pilots)
from the dy after tomorrow
from tomorrow
from today (Pins appears only as small dots)
from yesterday (Pin is hidden)
Es gibt kein Punktesystem; Argumente können frei beschrieben werden, mit Quellen versehen und nach folgendem Muster bewertet werden:
Je höher der Anteil positiv bewerteter Aspekte (Positivfaktoren) ist, umso größer wird der Pin auf der Karte und umso weiter oben erscheint er in der Liste der Suchergebnise. Das heißt Nutzer wählen intuitiv immer die nachhaltigste Option.
[nextpage title=“Regional- and Theme Pilots“]
Our second innovations is to involve existing lokal initiatives to create lokal maps of change and sustainable consumption. We call them RegPis.
How to map
Mapping is very simple and can be done by any user! Also editing is possible by anybody.
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