Since 2012, Students who have done a volunteer service in countries all over the world come to schools to share some things their realized during or after their year abroad.
Youthnetwork, Workshop- and Actionnetwork
The “Ideenwerkstatt von Morgen” was found together as an workshop and action network in Germany to share intresting Ideas and approaches to find solutions on global issues. Behind this network there are a lot of young people, most of them have been abroad for a longer period of time working in social projects in different countries. Back home we exchange our ideas and share our experiences by doing interactive workshops in Schools as well as public actions with other young people to continously shape globalisation.
Therefore we have the Webpage where we describe our ideas and methods about how to run a successful workshop and where we collect all kinds of interactive games and helpful weblinks. We also describe intresting projects, good ideas and how to start your own action.
How you can participate?
I am happy to meet people with inspiring questions, tipps and ideas to enhance this project and connect with others. There are some ways to get involved:
-Mail, Facebook, Conferences
Further on:
- Get part of the team for workshops, bring in your good ideas and start to share them.
- If you ever want to make your own workshops with children or students somwhere in Germany, we can give you the contacts to schools and …
- in our network you find people for colaboration to run your workshop. (Helpful if you have no experience yet)
- Help the project by writing articles for the webpage (german) about politics and your ideas how to interfere in globalisation or help to organize events and the team.
- We help you, if you want to start a similar project in your country and in your language.
Contacts for You:
Helmut Wolman
Mobile: 01573 4448245
Skype: wellemut
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